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Providing an alibi, the implementation of confidential instructions

Providing an alibi, the implementation of confidential instructions

It happens that in everyday life we ​​are faced with delicate situations that we cannot resolve on our own or with the help of relatives, relatives or friends. Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when, in order to maintain family peace, it is urgent to give your soul mate an explanation of the reasons for their absence. As a rule, excuses invented on the fly have many inconsistencies and can be immediately exposed. To find a way out of unusual life situations, contact professionals in this area - detectives of the agency Private Detective Odessa. We are professional consultants, and we know how to hide treason, where to buy certificates, protect business reputation, create the appearance of your employment, and help avoid unnecessary meetings or events. We will develop and implement at your option any scenario for providing an alibi, with the exception of cases of a criminal nature.

There are various ways to provide an alibi:

· Dramatization of extraordinary events requiring your mandatory presence (at the right time you will receive a phone call, an invitation, no doubt);

· Imitation of participation in various events (private, corporate, mass) with the corresponding documentary evidence: invitation, tickets, confirmation of hotel accommodation, participation in a seminar, conference, etc. - up to souvenirs from the place of your imaginary stay;

· Confirmation of your presence at sporting events, concerts, fashion shows, visits to clubs, beauty salons or other public places;

Our consultant will develop in detail the appropriate scenario of your choice that best suits your needs, tastes and lifestyle, and is also best suited for your particular situation.

Sometimes situations arise in our life when it seems that the easiest way to solve a problem is to buy a certificate of illness. Our advice is do not make hasty decisions. Contact the detective agency "Private Detective Odessa" - and we will help you find a way out of a difficult and sensitive life situation.

One of the directions of our activity is also the protection of reputation. If necessary, we will develop a script for you to support and protect your business reputation among your friends and acquaintances. We can also create the appearance of your full or partial employment, as well as your independent business with all the necessary attributes (business cards, office, personal secretary).

Understanding the delicacy and scrupulousness of these issues, appreciating your emotional calm and balance, we act absolutely confidentially and imperceptibly. You can always be sure that no information that became known to us during the course of work will be known to third parties.

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