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Verify the address and room

Verify the address and room

Many people recognize a lie quickly enough. However, when you communicate with a person on the phone, it is already extremely difficult to judge whether he is telling the truth or deceiving, since you cannot see his eyes and facial expressions. In particular, this problem is faced by parents who are responsible for their minor children. In response to questions on the phone Where is the son or daughter now, they can hear anything that will be beneficial to their child at the moment. But the parental intuition naturally triggers that some kind of deception is taking place. It is in these moments that I would very much like to have some unique tool that allows you to determine the location of a person by phone number.

Among other things, the need for such a unique device arises among those who have assumed responsibility for their relatives in old age. There are a lot of examples when people go out for a walk and then can't even remember their names. And then there is a lot of appeal to the specialists of the detective agency.

However, these problems can be prevented. You just need to establish surveillance of a person, just using his mobile device.

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