How to discreetly follow a person
Many parents are faced with a difficult transitional age of their minor children, when their relationship is seriously cracked. Naturally, controlling your child becomes more and more difficult. And this threatens that the child can get into bad company, and his whole life will go downhill. At the same time, no one relieves the parents of responsibility. At the same time, it is necessary to introduce additional control over your children, but so that the children do not guess about anything. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to use the services of a detective agency.
Tracking a person through the phone
Our agency has a service that allows you not only to know exactly where your child is, but also to conduct a full-fledged Spy on his Phone, understand all movements and also control dialogues with other people. To do this, you need to provide a mobile device from your child for a maximum of an hour so that we install special software on it.