Derivation of human sects
If your child has strange objects at school or when he comes home he talks about religions or their new branches, you know - the school is crammed with sects. The Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations"
(http: // zakon indicates unacceptable zombies and the introduction of totalitarian sects in the school. In any private or municipal educational institution, in any category, it is strictly forbidden to promote activities, and in case of occurrence, the Law of Ukraine immediately recommends contacting law enforcement agencies that will also oppose sects and help get rid of violators of the order.
But what if the child is already "brainwashed?" Each parent understands that it is very easy to infiltrate the unstable psyche of a baby or teenager and if the situation is not slowed down in time, then it will be very difficult to pull a person out of the sect. Indeed, by nature, the leader among the younger is the senior person, teacher or teacher of additional courses. It is especially difficult if he is himself under the influence of destructive cults. With 100% certainty, he will impose his opinion on his young wards. If the information is confirmed, then it should be urgently reported to the leadership of the educational institution, but it is also important to remember how to help a person get out of the sect.
Influence on children can be irreversible, sectarian psychologists create special optional subjects on which they describe the life inside their cult in paints and lure the kids to come to them for a sermon (meeting, meeting). They can give gifts, books and stationery, enticing themselves in this way. In this case, the methods of removing from the sect indicate a complete suppression of communication with such people and even in especially extreme cases, leaving such an educational institution.
When choosing a school for a first grader, parents should fully study the mechanism of action and relationships among elementary school teachers and your chosen future class teacher. A member of a destructive cult may be hiding behind the guise of a cute teacher or head teacher. In this case, brainwashing will be inevitable, it can be in the form of optional programs, pedagogical innovations or lectures at breaks.
Out of the sect of children is quite problematic. They still don’t realize where they went, marketers and PR specialists compose a “call to picture” program. The child is enticed with gifts, interesting films, colorful posters, books, and just walks in the city of Odessa. After he begins to visit the sect secretly from his parents, he is asked to contribute this to the family. As a rule, the first stages are carefully hidden and parents will know about it already at the final stages of the call. And on this path, the intervention of a child psychologist is already necessary.
The detective agency "Private Detective Odessa" has in its arsenal of both child and family psychologists who can work out a communication scenario and a mechanism for influencing and returning the child to the family.